It takes a diverse cast of specialists to power the adoption of renewable energy. One super important specialization that isn’t always in the spotlight – but is essential for delivering offshore and onshore wind projects – is energy law.
Playing for the Ignitis Renewables team in this vital area is Margaux Tamasauskas, a Legal Project Manager who joined us in Autumn 2022. Margaux, who hails from France and has a PhD in International Energy Law, chose to develop her career at Ignitis Renewables for two main reasons. Firstly, there was our blend of national and international focus: “Ignitis Renewables struck the right balance between national concern and international ambition,” she notes. And secondly, she was motivated to work for a cause that resonated closely with her principles – sustainability.
We caught up with Margaux to learn more about the complexities, challenges, and rewards of her work in renewable energy law.
Multiple stakeholders …
“I love the diversity of people I talk to during the day,” Margaux comments when asked what a typical day is like. “It never gets boring,” she continues, “but it is quite intense”.
Intense is probably an understatement. “A typical day includes lots of meetings with different teams, other legal functions, commercial alignment, technical experts, and external service providers… The organization is fast-paced, but employee well-being is held in high regard, so there’s always time for a coffee break.”
… and multiple tasks
When she is not in one of her many meetings (or preparing for them), Margaux stays on top of the latest developments in energy law while overseeing a wide range of activities. “I read a lot,” she comments, “and draft contracts and emails. I have to plan and organize the upcoming actions for different projects in parallel. Then there’s following up with external advisors, advising my team on how to answer to contractors, and finding solutions to issues with the team.”
With so much on her plate and so many different people to connect with, it’s no wonder Margaux couldn’t always remember who was who when she joined us. ”On my first day I was quite overwhelmed by the number of people I was introduced to,” Margaux recalls. “I ended up speaking in French with Thierry (Aelens, our CEO) at the coffee point. And then I asked him what his role is! And that’s despite having read about him everywhere to prepare for the interview process. Of course, Thierry took it with humor and style.”
Beyond a typical legal role
From problem-solving to communication skills, Margaux is flexing a lot more than just her legal muscles in her role as a legal project manager focused on offshore wind. “I can’t be a classic lawyer and just point out risks,” she explains. “I have to propose solutions and mitigations to secure my team and the projects. I’m also involved in daily negotiations with partners where it’s important to protect Ignitis’ interest while enabling our growth internationally.”
“In a way, I’m like a translator. I have to understand what the team needs and wants, and translate this into legal language while analyzing the risks and opportunities.”
Navigating the waters of offshore wind
The sector itself brings complexities – after all, working in the offshore energy world isn’t exactly smooth sailing.
“Offshore is a very high-risk industry with high technical costs as well,” explains Margaux. “What’s more, this industry is in the political and economic spotlight, which sometimes makes it hard as we can’t simply focus on the feasibility of a project. We also have to defend its acceptability in the eye of the public.”
And hard work and team spirit make everything possible
Handling the pressure and complexity of this role is by no means easy. Margaux believes that at a personal level, the keys to success are “hard work, excellence and problem solving.”
Then there is the support of the team and culture around you. “I really value team spirit,” she continues. “At Ignitis Renewables we have a high concentration of young and talented people – they are wild and have an open-minded spirit!”
Guided by the compass of her own values of hard work and excellence, and with the wind of her vibrant team in her sails, there’s no doubt Margaux will continue to successfully navigate the choppy waters of energy law in the offshore wind sector.